General information

all general informations about Tramontana Windsurf

all general informations about Tramontana Windsurf


Opening days and hours

Tramontana windsurf is open all year round upon request and depending on weather conditions, and every week-end between 07-apr-18 and 04-nov-18, 7 days a week during  school vacations. In any case  booking is require

We open from 10:00 to 18:00 and 09:30 to 19:00 in July – August.

You can contact us all along the year by email or phone, we will be happy to answer any question

Next events :


Location  :

 We are located near the « etang d’Ingril » in Frontignan-Plage, Hérault – between Montpellier and Sète. Google maps will quickly indicate our position.

Gift Vouchers :

We propose gift vouchers for courses and trainings, as well as « rental packs« , that can be split in several sessions.

Our vouchers are valid for the current year. Contact us for more information!

Booking and payment :

You can book windsurf courses by email or phone. Booking deposit can be paid by bank transfer, french cheques. On site we accept cash, french cheques, « cheques vacances » and « ticket sport ANCV« 

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